what we do

Helping you find the property of your dreams. Creating real value in property.

Shayona Land Corporation is a synergy of perfectly balanced notes which results in creative output in the real estate sector. By combining elegant designs with quality construction, Shayona Land Corporation is setting new Standards in professionalism with its transparent transactions, ethical dealing and commitment to deliver spruced-up near modules.

The residential and commercial projects with strategic location, excellent design, quality construction, clear titles as well as adequate infrastructure facilities and utilities have become a hallmark of every project that comes out of Shayona’s umbrella.

Our Culture

We are an exceptional company and we will achieve exceptional outcomes.

We believe in forthright and direct communication with all our stakeholders.

We are unwavering in our commitment to being world-class in all touchpoints.

We care about profits.

We learn from our mistakes and strive not to repeat them in the future.

We empower our associates to make a difference.

We invest in our people and reward for value creation.

We expect collaboration & high performance from all our associates.

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Maria Jacobs

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Ronald Schmidt

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Years Of Experience
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  1. what we do

    Helping you find the property of your dreams. Creating real value in property and places.

  2. Latest News

    We post often to our blog to keep you updated with the latest insights and trends.

  3. what we do

    Helping you find the property of your dreams. Creating real value in property and places.

  4. what we do

    Helping you find the property of your dreams. Creating real value in property and places.

  5. Latest News

    We post often to our blog to keep you updated with the latest insights and trends.